Try To Be….

Work as a citizen of the world and make it a practice in your life.

Let nature be your guide and reason to decide.

Act in ways that help you learn and practice change in all you do.

Capture passion as you go and make compassion help all grow.

Finish first or last and try your best, test your authenticity. and impressions that claim to be good.

The proper use of impressions are putting you and your life to good use.

Nature Is Blind

Nature is long: infinite.

To identify nature, break it into parts: neutrons, electrons, protons and smaller parts that end up as pieces of light or energy.

These parts of nature don’t give much away to the user or the observer unless you are in alignment with nature.

If one observes matter that is alive or dead there may be bigger parts than what light and energy are made of but it does’t help one learn how to use nature.

Our own nature is not blind,

We can all learn more about ourselves and be closer to nature at the same time.

To condense nature, is to make energy and light so dense that when it expands it tends to blow up.

To put consciousness into the universe, it has to exist in everything that is alive.

Where else can consciousness live than in the creatures we call alive.

Consciousness is the alive part of nature or the discrete part of intelligent life in the universe.

Together the composite has infinite intelligence which is unrecognizable to any individual and the parts of consciousness is unrecognizable in matter that is not itself alive.

In this sense, nature is blind to itself and unrecognizable to us.

We will learn about nature as each of us spends the time and effort to learn about our own nature.

What Is Happening Now? (New Year’s Eve Day)

As a canadian, I do not have a particular philosophical school of thought.

But I seem to have some kind of original thought that reflects canadian thought, in a philosophical way.

IR, or international relations, is one of my sources, that lead me to Realism here in Canada and around the world.

Realism is a theory from IR that states that a place like Canada or any country is only interested in Power.

Some say that Power is found through economics.

I think we are distracted from the emerging realism of our time. Some say re-emerging, because it is based on the number of powerful states that are expressing their power through economics, war, etc.

I think we are confused by government, our own needs vs. the country’s (Canada).

We worry about our pay cheque, our family and friends, survival, and whatever we think is important.

To me, I am concerned about my well being, but I am confused by identity politics and people who threaten me with violence.

I get distracted by functional medicine and individual medicine.

But I believe in doing no harm and my best each day, which amounts to a personal philosophy and a source of my purpose and motive to move forward each day.

To me as a Canadian and a person, I am grounded by Nature, intuition, civil disobedience, philosophy and moving and physical work/exercise, people, engagement, curiosity, mental and emotional challenges, reading, writing and research, and the day to day importance of being here.

I may not care about who or what you are, but this has to be a decision and practice and ritual, or habit that protects me from violence and harmful people/places and things.

Right now, I am doing my best, doing no harm, waxing about the here and now because we are in a new world: Russia, China, U.S.A. There is identity politics, culture wars, cyber wars, and these countries are engaging us with all of it. As a person, I do my best to stay aware of it and take it with a grain of salt. Of course it is serious stuff, and I never seem to learn enough about what is happening right now.

I am busy with my life, as you are, and we are living here, weather we live our separate ways or not, because we relate more and more through limited real estate, and other resources.

I am extremely limited by what I can do about here and now.

I stick with what works for me and practice the best lifestyle I can afford.

I am grateful to the people that keep the city running with all these basics I use each day.

I may not like my job or family at times but I think the struggle is of personal value.

So, common speech may appear limiting to some, but it is a practice. I use it to help keep the focus on the here and now.

Even my language is a canadian philosophical tool….

Happy New Year, 2023!


Connect to the outdoors, nature, the organic side, a balance between technology and human nature.

What is natural or wild about visiting the planet?

Touching the space we were born to live and do our day to day living in as a species on Terra Fermi, the ground in my case.

That’s not to say air and sea are out of the question.

In my case, a park, in winter, the cold is a touch of wild.

Seeing geese and other wild creatures, a homo sapient, out for a brisk jog with his dog. Perhaps not that wild on the surface.

Dig deeper, struggle hard to see when you are gathering food from the ground in the cold hard winter….

Being able to go beyond mere survival is a gift, as is Mother Nature, I don’t want to loose either one….

The Spirit Of Nature

The coarseness of an instrument may produce music when played by a human being.

Like a human being, a bird can use its faculty to sing a song.

Or a body of a big healthy tree can sway ominously in strong winds and project beauty and truth.

Is nature speaking through human beings?

What is the faculty in nature telling us in the wild?

The wild forest is but a small part of the land, sea, and sky.

Nature is throughout the planet, solar system and galaxy.

Nature is time and space with all the life, matter and energy.

Nature is fully functional in micro space and time with all the viruses, bacteria and more.

Don’t confuse science with nature, life is nature.

Don’t confuse intelligence with nature….

Doing, when it matters most

Be mindful now!

There are many people or peoples that reflect the above image or practice.

Does the message kill the practice or is it the messenger?

Does breathing cause us harm when we fall into the habit of shallow breathing?

The experience of being mindful may be its best teacher, but many students will need a Little Rock and roll to get the message across to them.

Check out the sexy app about being mindful now!

Don’t worry, you will find it if it works for you.

Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, M.K. Gandhi,

Cicero, The Cynics, The Stoics,

Tao Te Ching, Mindfulness in Action by Chogyam Trungpa, Meditations for Beginners by Jack Kornfield

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Red Book by C.G. Jung

There are many more roads to living a full life.

Autumn 2019

The end of a month is coming near,

The day is clear and air is crisp,

The changes are all in Colour and are littered among dead leaves,

The mornings and evenings are fighting with winter,

Animals are still fighting with food for hibernation.

Another passing season readable within all the fine print.

Happy Halloween!

Virtue’s Too Nice For Avarice And Vice

Or are they one and the same,

Every vice has a craving associated with it.

Every person has a vice and a craving,

‘Who does it’, may sound like the right question.

How often…

Place vice on a pedestal and get really bad.

Deadly sin no longer has a ring on its finger.

Mortal has a better sound, had the flu of late.

Make me date,

There are viruses that would make your hair curl.

The body can’t tell the difference between protein and a virus.

All roads lead to recycling,

Who said anything was good to eat,

We better beat that drum.

Rum, rum, rum.

The race, the digital age, designer drugs

The timer is set, watch the news to hear the latest doom and gloom.

Set the stage with disaster to welcome our next triumph: recycle, reuse,

Are we part of a life cycle or a death cycle?

Cloister, cluster, life can be a mom with despair.

Yet, we are topping out with our population and poverty has been cut in half.

The good news and good life is a proposition.

Gravity is good when it holds things together.

Universal is almost as big, we strive to bring ever piece together.

Gloms together like real life, can it get any better?

Wildfires in California: Latest updates, death toll, evacuation orders, map of Camp Fire, Woolsey Fire, Hill Fire and Rocky Peak Fire as areas of Simi Valley, Malibu, Paradise burn – live updates – CBS News

Wildfires in California: Latest updates, death toll, evacuation orders, map of Camp Fire, Woolsey Fire, Hill Fire and Rocky Peak Fire as areas of Simi Valley, Malibu, Paradise burn – live updates – CBS News
— Read on

A Poet’s Muse

The truth is a mean mistress.

She fights you for love and hate.

She may value what you may not,

Or laugh when people cry,

She calls everyone a liar,

Why does she tell the truth?

Her philosophy is partial to virtue,

Her voice depends on my good work.

Her stunning nature reveals all to anyone with no reservation.

My mind blisters looking into her face.

Her power overwhelms the human race.

She answers all her calls

And always stands her ground,

I dare to love her ways.

I blame myself when she is misunderstood,

I can’t help acting like a knave in her presence.

She is demanding, selfish and pure!