A Poet’s Muse

The truth is a mean mistress.

She fights you for love and hate.

She may value what you may not,

Or laugh when people cry,

She calls everyone a liar,

Why does she tell the truth?

Her philosophy is partial to virtue,

Her voice depends on my good work.

Her stunning nature reveals all to anyone with no reservation.

My mind blisters looking into her face.

Her power overwhelms the human race.

She answers all her calls

And always stands her ground,

I dare to love her ways.

I blame myself when she is misunderstood,

I can’t help acting like a knave in her presence.

She is demanding, selfish and pure! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth?wprov=sfti1


To create and innovate is process of thinking and producing a product in a competitive market.

To escape this death by a thousand cuts you must deliver it all in a new way.

You need to be the first and therefore the best.

As a reward you win the ‘game’ and get to escape the competition to become a monopoly.

Going viral is growing vertical not being a copy cat or competitive.

To use flow as a metaphor might be useful.

All your values or fruit of your innovative and creative endeavours bind together to make you the strongest and smartest competitor with the best innovative and creative product.

Your ‘starting up’ allows you to cooperate and collaborate and think to create and innovate.

Be a lean work of art and go viral!

The Power Of Meditation

Hard, untiring, infitiquable labor to quiet the madness in our mind…

The mind is an instrument like the body.

It can be tuned and used by learning to practice meditation.

Meditation is a technique that helps us untie emotional and mental knots commonly called bad habits.

As we begin to understand that our bodies are powerful instruments, we can learn to change what we use our minds to do.

To master the body and mind often teaches us how to get rid of long standing problems through hard work of meditation.

Getting control of the body, mind and senses allows the user to practice good habits.

In this sense we may learn to stop the practice of what we call bad habits:  being too angry, avoiding habits like study or sleep, smoking, drinking, over eating, doing too many drugs, etc.

We can learn to do things in a calmer way, that allows us to be less compulsive or obsesssed, angry, depressed, anxious, etc.

Meditation teaches us to regulate the body and mind through the practice or habits of being calm.

It is best to learn about all the different programmers that teach meditation.  They all lead to the same results.

Anyone can use meditation to increase health, improve energy, quiet the senses or sense of security and calmness, or adequacy, steady improvement of personal relationships, improved concentration or focus, mostly it brings out our awareness of beauty and our own ‘opus’.

In a sense this is the reason meditation is done with the attitude of non-violence.


[Socrates and Rich man], On Being A ‘Gadfly’

In this dialogue, the Socratic method is about holding people accountable for their beliefs by questioning them as a guide, who is really wishing them ‘good thoughts’. Socrates compared himself to being a midwife in the sense he tries to guide others to having better thought like having a baby. In fact, he also is said to have called himself a Gadfly of Athens.

Socrates: How important is it to you?

Rich man: Money is a road to power, which I enjoy. It is a form of currency. It circulates like an electric current. And it has power like an electric current. But now, we must state the truth. It is an agreed upon system of coins and bills that a group uses to buy goods. This group is usually a recognized country like the USA that has dollars and coins.

S: Why do you want power?

Rm: Who doesn’t? I crave it. To me, there is never enough money or power. I think I crave the latter more.

S: What do you gain?

Rm: More power. I am in lust with it. I will never have enough. It is intoxicatingly everything.

S: Would you help people with your wealth and power? Maybe, by showing them how to built a well to hold water when they have no water?

Rm: I would need some help.

S: I have a friend who would show you, but you would have to pay a small price for it.

Rm: Would poor people pay me back?

S: I am sure they would when they are able. Do you want to think of other ways to help people?

Rm: Not particularly, but perhaps I could be persuaded for a small price.

S: What did you have in mind?

Rm: A small profit.

S: For you?

Rm: Maybe, and for them too.

S: What would you say to doing it for free?

Rm: I suppose I could afford it.

S: I imagine I could do better by talking to many rich people about it.