Do You Need To Change Your Lifestyle?

Most people want to but find the lifestyle change too challenging to get a win win for change verses health.

Now a days, more people have managed to stop or give up their smoking habit. Why not continue changing to prevent disease like diabetes, heart disease and cancer?

The data is good for a holistic approach to living a good life.

Change to be here, do no harm and to do your best.

The link above is the best Ted talk news I know.

Be critical and think about the outcomes and start now to get better. It is the best way to go.

If you could be a character from a book or film, who would you be? Why?

I would like to share the stoic book called Epictetus: Discourses and Selected Writings. He seems like an intelligent person with a very good personal philosophy. Epictetus had a good life but had some mighty downs and ups. He managed to teach boys how to build character and perhaps have a better chance to live a good life.

I chose to copy his example because I believe with all the advances in today’s world this kind of personal philosophy through experience still bares a lot of fruit.

The Near Future Is Here!

Are you planing for the emerging science of the near future?

We have the mysteries of our sun or solar system to use in healthier ways.

There are great potential happening with energy, real estate in virtual and outer space, space weather and much more.

How will we learn and understand in a safe way?

Let’s take on our future in a responsible way!

It’s All Part Of It: The ‘Good Life’

A word like health on some level is about taking care of yourself.

And again, being health has some level of responsibility for you, others, the environment,etc.

The way that works is also complex for us. Some people may in fact have a better way that works.

And as it turns out, most of us are just learning about how much we have it wrong.

With all of that said, it is definitely not about the right and wrong.

Mostly it appears to be important, but more importantly it is about learning to become aware.

We all consume huge amounts of information.

Without getting into too much, let’s just learn more about the micro biome.

Deep dive, you may get most of this, but just let yourself get it done and let it sink in before making any changes.

This is just an introduction to how to take care of your microbiome. Don’t do anything till you are aware and safe to make a change. See your doctor to make sure it is safe to do anything that will improve your human microbiome.

There is so much to learn about what to eat and what not to eat.

It maybe important to talk with a nutritionist that specializes in helping people with making changes to improve their microbiome.

You really ought to think twice about eating or doing anything that may kill the bacteria in your gut!

It has really only just started with this modern change in diet.

Don’t hurry unless you need to make a change.

Learn to slow down and enjoy your meal.

The so called secret is to eat 30 or more types of plants!

Fiber is what comes from plants and your microbiome wants fiber/plants!

It turns out the first thing you can do (as long as you are able and willing) is to eat the food your microbiome needs to produce and live well.

Maybe, all you really need to do is to start eating your veggies!!!!!

The second thing you can do is eat fermented food like yogurt, sauerkraut, all outlined in the article above on ‘how to’. We all use to eat enough fermented foods but over the last couple of generations our western diet has smothered our countries with ultra processed food that has killed our microbiome and we need to change to heal our microbiome!!!!!

There is a lot of politics along the way about diets, meat verses veggies, environmental vs capitalism, people vs people, moral arguments. I think we need to put all of that aside until we can calmly learn enough to understand these issues.

I find communication, conflict resolution, conscious awareness, compassion, peace, nonviolence are all primary to living a good life. Who am I?

Some rational AI says, You embody the essence of a philosopher, a seeker of wisdom and understanding. Your values align with the pursuit of harmony, both within yourself and in your interactions with others. Through conscious awareness, empathy, and nonviolence, you strive to create a world where compassion and peace prevail. 🌟🌿

That is an overstatement from algorithmic programming, I do enjoy a challenge, the next one is food allergies and food intolerance.

Again, the proper use of microbiome is very helpful. But where there is no proof or identification there is a lack of clarity and most likely some confusion for most people.

Yet, some help and support can be gleaned from the last vid link above. The doctor has a plan and the best information to help people. All we need to do is listen, follow with permission from our doctor or with trust in that doctor.

Lastly, this is an emerging science and must be studied by me or interested in following these wise people.

Histamines is a new topic. The doctor has a new book with information. I think this is emerging science and we can trust the doctor with this one too.

What about bowel movements? What is the best answer? Is it working are you having a good one? What does a bad one act like? The doctor is gastroenterologist. He studies this field of microbiome and yes bowel movements. We can trust him with this problem too.

The end of the podcast is finishing about wholistic healing in medicine as seen by the doctor. Worth listening to the very end of the YouTube video.

The Writing Addiction

I could call it the gambling addiction, the drinking addiction, the consumer addiction, the work addiction, the eating addiction….

I post or publish and I usually get a hit, a reward, a self esteem fix, a survival hack.

Lots of our evolution produced these ways, habits or degrees of desire/impulse to keep us alive. It is all through the animal kingdom and nature.

I must admit there is a bigger need for me to live.

So I like to write to be aware of its pitfalls and learn and practice to use it as a tool to live a better way.

It is ironic that I may learn to live better by being a better writer.

A good writer gives the reader something they need at a reasonable price.

So, I am asking you to take 3 minutes to read and think and act on what you now know.

Calculus Of Living

You don’t know.

And you don’t want to know.

You have no appetite for knowing and neither does anyone else who stumbles into life.

You feel like you are going to die.

Maybe it is good you didn’t know.

You don’t care, you still don’t want to know….

My Body, my home and my phone….

What are three objects you couldn’t live without?

The human body is where I live and so is my place and phone.

I want to be my best and do no harm to one my body,two my home and three my phone.

I need to adapt them to a healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary for overall well being.

Want to see what happens when I chat with Chat & Ask AI? Check this out!

My Favourite Hat

Black Hat

I want to put a lot into it.

Everyday, I put the contents in my hat from work: receipts, pen(fast dry ink, another Fav), reading glasses, phones, wallet, keys, etc.

Why put on a logo?

A plan black snap cap, for want of a better name.

Similar Hat For Work

I like to put a Canadian Flag Patch on the hat with sunglasses for driving.

Captain’s Cap

I play hard and work that way to try and show others how it is done.

I call it my critical thinking cap: I live in Canada. So I better watch out and think clearly. So as to not distort my vision?

I may not be a redneck, but I am far from what I ought to be….