The Moral Cunundrum

Surely, there is an ethical question that will bring life on Center stage for all to see.

The love of wisdom seems promising, who would be so keen on a subject less real to most and too real for the chosen few.

But wait, do you want to be a philosopher, are you aware of the choice?

Do you love life, love to love, love happiness?

Along the way, the chosen few, philosophical types will try to carry a message to the world when they need it most!

A moral problem has popped up , covid19 , ‘to be or not to be’, what is the best course of action?

Too Many Bumps Or Mood Swings

I’d call any kind of emotional outburst (negative emotions) a mood swing or a bump.

With Corona, I generally get more bumps than usual.

I have made it a practice to take a mood swing or pump moment to calm down and take stalk of my state of mind.

Mental health is just as important as physical health.

Having faith in myself and others is part of my day to day well being.

When I take responsibility for an emotional or mental health problem, I am taking care of myself to do no harm.

I call it buckling in to corona. And I need help and give help to my friends, family and co-workers.

See you in the new normal!

From one cleaner to another…

To self isolate in our home is one thing we can do to beat corona.

To clean our home is another.

Being in an unsanitary ‘confined space’ is inviting to corona.

I sanitize all the hard surfaces that people touch on the regular bases: door knobs, mail boxes, table tops, etc.

You do the same.

I keep these common areas clean in condominiums throughput the city.

You keep your home clean.

I sanitize all the tools I use to clean: myself, my vehicle, my house, my cleaning tools. And I do this each day after use.

I wear basic personal protective equipment when I clean: gloves.

You need to wear disposable gloves when you clean.

Like washing our hands each day after meals or any activity, Saitization is also a good idea.

Stay safe, stay clean: sanitize your personal space.

And Now For Something Completely Different

Who wants to hear bad news at this time?

The questions raised by intellectuals are good to contemplate during good times, but stressful and disconcerting anytime because they may oppose our peace of mind.

Yet, to critically think is important practice for us all.

And as an exercise, will do no harm unless taken too seriously or acted on too impulsively.

This challenge is to test your own discipline on thinking critically about uncomfortable topics: nuclear war, climate change/ global warming and criticism of President Trump and The United States Of America.

As individuals it is important to discipline our critical thinking and maintaining healthy skepticism of public opinion. These mental skills are needed in all areas of our life (especially critical thinking)

A little mental and emotional discomfort is a small price to pay, practice mental toughness, please watch the vid while keeping these challenges in mind.

Does vitamin d help prevent getting sick with the coronavirus?

I recommend this link to people because I believe it to be safe, accurate and informative.

With that said, I am interested in my own use of the vitamin.  And do not wish to bias people with my own outcomes.

But the theme of my blog is to share, be supportive of others and compassionate.

Please support the effort, the coronavirus is still causing us harm and prevention is good.

Coronavirus: Italy locks down north in bid to slow spread of COVID-19 | CBC News

Italy took a page from China’s playbook Sunday, attempting to lock down 16 million people — more than a quarter of its population — for nearly a month to halt the relentless march of the novel coronavirus across Europe.
— Read on

The Challenge

Any one can react with fear, and no harm done,

It is survival mode, fight or flight, right?

What about people’s fear over getting enough?

Some of us go without, we are upset, but we wait, see the positive, accept the short term pain and practice the 3 R’s: respect ourselves, respect others and be responsible….

The challenge is to live with the disruption and admit our lack of control while looking, listening and learning.

The challenge is to tune out some of the hyper chatter and help out, be supportive and take care of ourselves.

The challenge is to lighten up and keep a since of humour about this important world.

How do you be funny about serious health stuff?

For sure, it is difficult to keep our sense of humour while all hell breaks loose.

We can only lighten up ourselves and try to keep our sense of humour the way we always do…

Take care, we can get through this with support and understanding…

Yes, it is worse than the flu: busting the coronavirus myths | World news | The Guardian

The truth about the protective value of face masks and how easy it is to catch Covid-19
— Read on

The Covid-19 must be serious or you would not be reading this on my blog.

Caution is the watch word, I am using about the article above.

Yet, some information is good.

It may be a good idea to respect this new virus and to get ahead of it by coming out with a vaccine.

And to keep fear under control by using what our medical authority can provide.

Children and elderly are usually more at risk than the rest of the population.

However, the disabled and immune system of some individuals need more assistance than most of us.

Don’t treat anyone unfairly because of your possible fears regarding the unfolding situation.

And please don’t dwell on the issue.

It is always good to chit chat with people we trust.

Stay tuned and informed, education is key.

Please support the effort.