The Philosophy Of Consciousness

Awareness is consciousness.

I am awareness.

Or I am that I am like in the Old Testament.

All religion goes into this idea of being aware.

There may be more than an object reality.

If this premise is true, we can be aware of our awareness in a non duality way.

In this sense we can be aware of awareness and aware that all is awareness.

This philosophy is born out of a sense of permanence and the infinite we call consciousness.

Without a objective reality, we or I is awareness and flows within itself in ways that resembles a reality with objects and subjects, but is really agents of consciousness that is the source of all.

Awareness is here now, permanently, in a stable way like a flow.

Because of this sense of flow, all the stops and starts and fades or emerging is now our experience.

The element of our experience that is present is awareness.

We or I is awareness.

Sensation and perception disappear when I rest or sleep or when I am at peace.

The limitation of language make words like aware limited to that of a noun.

For this reason we may express awareness as a space or field.

‘Being aware’ is a better phrase to express the knowing element we call awareness.

What I have has no objective reality or nothing.

In this sense, I am nothing or everything.

We all know we are aware.

What is the ‘we’ and ‘I’ that knows awareness?

The same ‘I’ is our primary experience.

Or I am aware I am aware.

I am not objective. I don’t do anything, I am conscious.

This is not Devine or a cosmic experience.

This is simply how each of us know our experience.

This is a way of being or a way of being conscious.

These words are essentially the same: awareness, conscious, being, knowing.

The way has no objective qualities-it is self-aware.

Our true nature is everything to us. Because we need to be what we know.

Science is attempting to learn the true nature of consciousness.

The mind-body and world depends on the nature of consciousness.

We need to go to the source and ask what is it’s true nature, and that awareness of awareness is “I am that I am.”

This is a concession to the objective finding mind.

The source of attention is absent from attention,but rather a relaxation of being aware.

Am I aware?


For thousands of years we have been asking what is consciousness.

And it is becoming a fundamental question to science.

All other science is breaking down because we have reached the conclusion we must answer this fundamental question to move forward.

The hard question of consciousness will be hard to prove, but we all have a subjective sense of it.

Perhaps it will take a thousand years to find the answer.

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