Okay, Let’s See If I Can Write, ‘the meaning of life.’

To understand the power of the ring is very important.

The core belief is symbolic of my true self.

I wear the ring like a vow, the most important value.

Everything about the ring is important:  it is silver and gold, a precious gift, and I wear it respectively each and everyday.

It represents everything I hold dear:  responsibility to be the student and teacher of living a purposeful and meaningful life.

I sincerely believe it is best to value feeling and thinking, believing and behaviour in the ‘proper use of impressions’ with the caveat of ‘doing no harm.’

It is a gentle reminder that life is precious and to do it the best I can, in a way that is purposeful and meaningful.

The way is like a personal religion or at least a philosophy that understands and respects other ways of being.

Doesn’t everyone like a ‘good story’?


The Currency Of Love

Her coin is not gold, but energy is flowing from me to you.

What will you do in return?

My friend use to say, “It is only money changing hands”.

Yet, it looks like metal is being transmuted into gold.

I am energized by what I do.

Will you honor me by doing it too.

There is no price to pay, but perhaps we speak of gratuity.

Do we imagine a price that reflects what we do?

I believe I have found one way.

Can you?