[Peisistratus and Solon], Ruling leads to Democracy

Power lay in the hands of kings, back in the 6th century.  Aristocracies and Tyrannies were part of the puzzle that led to democracy.  Thanks to the masterful acting of one ruler, history played a role in securing a big piece of the pattern we now call democracy.  Or this is what the Athenians call their government of the day. His name, Peisistratus, became a popular leader in the day.  And his struggles eventually won better ways to govern in this world.  In this dialogue, the ruler tells a good friend how he has gained power and why.

Peisistratus:  Solon, you make a better lover than a ruler.  And yet, you are my cousin the law maker.

Solon:  You might quench my lust, but me thinks you prefer power over bronze.

P:  Let me tell you how to have anything your heart desires.  Can you act Solon?

S:  As a lawmaker, I am asked to act out the role of many parts the people live through that may or may not be true.

P:  Exactly, I prefer to use life as my stage.  And I will insist the truth is mine to gain favor and power over the people.  Even, if I must allow people good government.

S:  But when you pretended your political opponent bloodied and damaged your horse and chariot, you invented a fiction to convince the mop.  You won favor and power that day.

P:  But that same political opponent won it back by accusing me of scandles and sexual abuse towards my wife.

S:  And now you have raised an army to win back the power through military action.

P:  Yes, the tools of power:  peace, war, acting and others.  Perhaps, my actions may even create a new form of government.

Obesity Epidemic With A Radical Solution

Does a calorie in equal a calorie out?

Does a soft drink have anything to do with obesity?

There is a staggering global problem.

Sugar beverage is causing diabetes.

Food literally is making us fat.

The problem is not genetic.

You can eat well for less.

The epidemic is going on 30 years.

The answer is not less food and more exercise.

People don’t get fat because of shame and blame and lack of will power.

The sugar in different types of food is the problem.

A chronic dose dependant drug is sugar.

Sugar in any form is dangerous.

Metabolically, sugar without fibber is dangerous and alcohol converts to sugar.

Stop sugar and alcohol and drink water.

Stop eating processed foods like you would stop smoking cigarettes.

Candy is addictive.

Will power has nothing to do with it.

Junk food is everywhere.

In the end you end up in the worse public health epidemic of all time.

Defend yourself.

The WHO suggests eating less than 10 % sugar in your diet.

Without all the cost of processing we would have enough fruit and veggies to feed the planet.

Without all the dysfunction in the industry and government we could do anything.

Let’s talk about it.

Work for freedom by eating no sugar, alcohol or processed foods.

Don’t let government and industry dictate what you eat.

Don’t worry about exercise, just walk 20 minutes a day.  The key is to move against the bad food and eat no sugar.

Eat less cheese and eat more fibber.

Educate yourself to learn how to stop eating sugar, drinking alcohol and cheese.

Okay the industry and government are not doing this to harm us.

The need to economize outweighs public health

We are eating fast food to work out time management problems with overwork.

Legislation is causing us to be confused about going sugar and process free.

Fast food places are bad for our health.

Is our food safe?

What is food?  Sugar?  Alcohol? or unprocessed fruit and veggies.

Is the food industry safe?  How about our government?

Question your freedom and go sugar free today.